Apple will give up the Intel chip and use his own!

Eine neue, spannende Nachricht wurde jetzt von der Nachrichtenagentur Bloomberg zu Apple (WKN: 865985 / ISIN: US0378331005) vermeldet: Unter Berufung auf Personen, die mit Apples Plänen vertraut sind, will der iPhone-Hersteller offenbar zum World Wide Developer Congress (WWDC) noch in diesem Juni 2020 und damit früher als erwartet das Ende der Nutzung von Intel (WKN: 855681 / ISIN: US4581401001)-Chips in Macs ankündigen.

A new, exciting message has now been reported by the Bloomberg news agency to Apple (WKN: 865985 / ISIN: US0378331005): The iPhone manufacturer apparently wants to go to the World Wide Developer Congress (WWDC), citing people who are familiar with Apple’s plans. announce the end of the use of Intel (WKN: 855681 / ISIN: US4581401001) chips in Macs this June 2020 and thus earlier than expected.

Seems too quick, especially by Apples standard, to make such a jump to put a Mac out with a chip which has been largely unproven in the field…look how long they have kept lightning around…unless it’s quite an entry level Mac :thinking:

This has been rumored for years, will probably happen eventually, and it is unclear if they will actually put out a product that can compete with intel for more demanding tasks. And Apple’s biggest buyers seem to be media professionals or people who hope to become that, so a lot remains to be seen there.

Yeah this is somewhat old news.

We had pretty reliable sources that it was coming this year since back around January.

I think it’s a great move. Apples chips are incredible powerful in their mobile devices, and I would expect no less in their laptops.

By designing their own chips, they will be able to reduce the price on the laptops by several hundered dollars, and probably not cut performance much- if at all.

I would buy apples ARM laptop if I needed a Mac.