Can we get battery by the percent in the Q30's?

I don’t know if anyone has noticed, but it seems like on the Q30’s, they battery always goes down by 10%. So if the headphones are at 96% battery, it will say 100% because it only goes down by 10% every time. Can we get more accurate battery representation?

Hisenberg uncertainty principle comes to mind.

Crudely voltage roughly relates to capacity, but capacity is also a function of drain rate.

So the more accurately you attempt to state a capacity, the more wrong you become.

There’s good engineering physics behind this you can research.

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I would have to agree with @Logically it is most likely a limitation in measuring it while it would be nice to have it might not be accurate in which case rounding to the 10s place might be easier


If say the drain was doubled, time doesn’t half, it more than halves. So any percentage would be based on assumptions then people would complain it went suddenly down quick.

Soundcore has it about correct now, just give rough indication of full / mid / low.

Percentages would just cause greater problems.

I see, thanks for your input @carmelaaachia @ktkundy @Logically

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