Day 7 | Soundcore’s Christmas Workshop Livestream

Thinking it was a different Craig :frowning:


@TheSnarkyOne Ok, I checked it, that’s right Craig McDonald won.
From the community, probably only @Duane_Lester won- congratulations :clap:.


I started with FB as was running a little late and just used the link from here. I was also trying to do a call at one point for my wife to try to win Keith Urban tickets for next year. We came in pretty and thought we had it for her.

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Yeah, not me unfortunately :cry:

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I think it could be a good thing. You could really do it as a multi stream on products from each company or it could be hosted by each to present the “device of the week” . It does not mean that every week that Soundcore has to host it. It could be a Eufy product that is being presented or etc.

I am just thinking of the long term of the streams and potential that you want to keep it fresh and new.

Just a thought.

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Unfortunately I was held up and didn’t get there until it was ending. However I did catch the replay and it looks like it was a good time. :+1:


It was interesting. @Duane_Lester should be a Formula 1 driver he is so very fast :clap: :slightly_smiling_face:.


Was able to watch last minutes only. Found it nice.

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I did not think I was fast.

Although I am good at Christmas Trivia. When we have office parties, they will not let me play most years to make the teams more fair. LOL

I do get to join in the Christmas drawing competition if they have it.

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@Duane_Lester You are the real “bounty hunter” :joy: :joy:.

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