(DE) ANGEBOT : Spirit X2 : 62,73

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Nice deal for you guys in DE. :+1:

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good deal for those in Deutschland aka Germany . Funny thing about that country code from when I was young and silly. I know the saying Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Do you speak German but never really associated the word Deutsch with German . When I first got a job in management in the post office I was assigned to an international sorting center I had to memorize country codes and had a major problem associating DE with Germany Most country codes I could figure out but had a always screwed up that one, I had a new kid in sorting who I had to test for codes as all Clerks had to pass a test and he was bang on I asked him how did he get that one so easily he just looked at me and said Sprechen Sie Deutsch? he went on to explain it was one of the easier ones for him because of that saying from Hogans Heros it just all clicked it my brain then and after that whenever I saw DE I just immediately thought Deutschland

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