Free Music Site - grab a Great seasonal album

Hi All.

I’m not sure how many of you are aware of Noisetrade (now part of Paste Magazine) but they offer Albums and tracks from known & unknown artists and is a great way of trying something new to stream and Download.

Why now start here with this `HGTV & Noistrade Ultimate Holiday Seasonal Album

If you like what you hear and want to support the artists you can also leave a tip but don’t have to if you don’t want to.

The only thing is that you may receive emails from the artists if you stream or download the full songs (a small price to pay for some great new music)

Give it a go, and let’s know what you think :thought_balloon:

Cheers :headphones::notes:`

Sounds cool. I might look into it…

Hopefully more will see this - the Seasonal Album linked in the O.P. is very good and a bit different.

Happy Holidays!