Global contest from streamers

I have two suggestions for global contest. As you know the normal community members will be helping to flagging and directing the streamers subs to the correct link. I think these may help the subs to the right place.

  1. Maybe make the streamer a video of how to comment on their giveaway thread.

  2. Soundcore can provide the streamer a direct link to the thread and post the thread around the time the streamer is posting their stream contest. This way it will help the subs to go directly to it and less confusion for them.

Any other suggestions to help the stream contest???

  1. This has already been suggested to the soundcore team- no need to suggest again :man_facepalming:

  2. Check the video description. It has a direct link.

Don’t really see How this post is any better then everyone else starting threads…

Zack (Jerry Rig Everything) did provide a direct link to the giveaway thread but somehow a few of the viewers have mistaken the reply button to create a thread.
But what I don’t get is that if the people entering don’t know where the reply button is, how are they replying on the incorrect thread.

I did not have time to look at his video and I searched for streamers and there was nothing for streamers So if it is already out there. Hit the flag and we will get it deleted.

What?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Then why are you posting suggestions? If you haven’t even seen the video you’re posting suggestions about…

Today we are going to take apart the new Airpod Pro’s and compare them with the Soundcore Liberty 2 Pro! Sign up for the giveaway here: The giveaway is world wide and ends December 6th 2019. Grab your own pair of Soundcore

He has a direct link set for it, but after people sign up, they may be going to a new thread instead of the thread in question

Before I did the post, I did a quick search and with what I was searching, I was not finding what Techman stated I am guessing or I did not read the thread fully where that suggestion was stated.

@TechMan is probably right on me posting suggestions for something I did not watch as I just assumed that they are doing like the last one.

@Fuu_bar I think probably the best suggestion as you stated is to take the create a thread off of a thread to prevent the creation of a new thread.

So I guess I am sorry for this thread as I was just wanting to prevent thread from the global events

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It happens, I wouldn’t beat yourself up about it pal :slightly_smiling_face:

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Will do but I do think what @Fuu_bar stated is probably the best solution or what they are doing. It may not be going to a new thread instead of the thread in question but they may be on the thread in question, and are hitting the create thread that is at the top of the thread in question.

Thanks for the suggestion :slight_smile:

A few people have responded, but as I organise these events I’ll add my 2 cents.

  1. As a marketer the priority is getting people into the community from the video, extending the video playtime by explaining a process like this could cause a drop off in view time, which would decrease the overall views.

  2. Did this.

I understand it can be a little frustrating having to support the large influx of new members, but as these things tend to die out after 24-48 hours it’s not a huge sacrifice to make, and as always I really appreciate the support the entire Collective provides when we do these things. When I finally get admins set up I’ll let them know in advance, so we can prepare. I can’t tell the whole Collective in advance as these events are meant to be a surprise.


Never tell us! The surprise is the best part :grin:


I do not really have any frustration nor does other here for the most part. I known you did the 2. The suggestion 1 was not on their stream as it would take from their time. initially I was thinking a short video here. Thinking about it, suggestion 1is not feasible either.

I like all these streamer contest and was wanting to make sure they were able to make their comments appropriately . As stated, I think the create thread on a thread is how they are making new ones instead of the reply.

The funny thing is since I got on first, I have had 52 replies to my post there. I had one say he was from the Phillipines and another calling me a boomer dx. lol.

I say keep them coming and growing the community and brand.


LOL sometimes it’s not good to be the first :rofl:

LOL I am up to about 71 the last time I checked. I have told a few who stated they were interested in Anker products about the community. I think Loz had about 61 replies to him the last time I saw it.

I wonder if those will still qualify for the contest.

LOL, having fun ?

They must be as long as they post those replies under the same thread!!:thinking:

I have say that I have notifications on. Been thinking about turning them off for a few days LOL. I am glad my email service does concatenate those emails. I see that Loz is catching up a little it is now 72 vs loz 63. lolol I guess I feel Loz’s pain for all of his messages. I am glad the community concatenate replies on multiple replies as well LOLOL

I have to say this guy is rocking this thread as he already has like over 6k comments. I think that is quicker to 6 k than the last guy. I believe this one will hit over 10 k by the time it is over. :wink:

¯_(ツ)_/¯ it is what it is younging

LOL I am only a Gen X. Although I do have partial gray hair now. lol