Google's Meena Chatbot 🏃‍♀️

So, I was reading a lot about Google’s new Chatbot Meena. :running_woman:

We already have Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana and several other smart assistants.

Now, Google says Meena is the best among all as it is built with Google’s Evolved Transformer program, using 2.6 billion parameters to make its way through 341 gigabytes of online text from social media networks. blah blah…blah and so on.

No idea what all that means, but thinking of some crazy AI human like smart assistant is coming for sure and who know what it is capable of.


Find the above interesting chart where Meena is pretty close to human’s ability in that particular skill (if I’m correct)

What do you think of this new chatbot, and what do you foresee the capabilities of these smart assistants?

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I think that a piece of software like this would be good for searching through files. Say I need to retrieve a speech that I wrote 3 years ago, I can type some details about what it is, and the AI finds it.

machine learning bots are good at these types of things.


Reminded me immediately of the Internet Historian Youtube video about Tay A.I. that Microsoft tried out a couple of years back. They had to take it down within a day because it was learning some unsavory things from people.


That would be funny, need to teach it all the bad words so it knows what NOT to say. Because someone will try to teach it the wrong things.

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