I may have burned my Q30's driver coils guys, for freaks sake

I did lots of googling and researching, and you guys already saw my previous post here… I may just have burnt my driver coils, by maxing out the volume too much (which isn’t good for headphone drivers at all) (take notes!) That’s why there’s such loud white noise being heard in ANC with no audio whatsoever and also the bass is muddy and buzzy. I’m gonna get new Q30’s, and I’m gonna take better care of the new ones.


I used to work for a company that sold speaker systems for teams to use while they were practicing. The example we always used with them was that even though your car can go 200 mph, doesn’t mean that you should run it at that speed every time you drive somewhere. Hope your new ones sound great and last a lot longer! :+1:t2: