Interview w/ Katrina Burgoyne - New Castle Herald

In checking on some background info about Ms. Burgoyne I came across this recent interview with her posted up In the New Castle Herald. Thought it was an interesting read and a good article to share with those interested… hope you enjoy.

Katrina Burgoyne - living in nashville

Nice read. I always find it interesting where people have started/come from to where they are now. I listened to her 25 cents in ashtray song again on YouTube. Its up to roughly 22,000 views in a month since it has posted.

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Wow you really are keeping up with her new stuff nice!

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Trying to keep up with most of the recents, phem, Wesley Dave Giles and Danny gruff too.

If you’re into space, as per your one post, Dave Giles has a space and things podcast that is pretty cool. But as that and his whiskey podcasts don’t fall into music related, cannot post. :innocent:

Thanks for the updates on all the singers that appeared on the collective!

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