Liberty Air 2 (with serial number in charging lid)

I am having difficulty getting the left ear to connect to the right ear. This is the Liberty Air 2 (with the serial number in the charging lid). The left earbud light has yet to turn on. Just bought last night (10/21) and really just want them to work! I have done the resets, the remove app, the turn off BlueTooth, etc. The right side hooks up, left does not, and cannot get any LED indication.

Have you tried fully charging them yet?

Even though they are new, they will normally need to be charged up.

I will get rid of the most obvious issue. Can you please make sure the sticker that was on the earbuds are clean off both earbuds (especially the left). Just in case make sure there is no sticker in the case as well.

After that make sure that they are charged.

If you have reset them they should have turned red and then blinked faster to be connected.

If not on at all, I would say contact the service department as one not coming on is nothing that most of us could help you with.

Thanks, definitely nothing turning on.

Here is the email address if you needed it