Mis-use or Abuse or Fun.. What would you call this?

Kids are swapping AirPods in class then using text to speech to ‘talk’ without talking.

Teens get sneaky with their Apple AirPods. Will business follow?

The way the tech is being used, makes it really scary!!

I couldn’t care less about our school system or anything else revolving around it.

It’s a complete failure. We need to abolish it and move solely to private schools.

It’s not public or private school, this is how kids are using it… one of the ways it’s being misused,

Any good private school wouldn’t allow kids to use phones or any electronics (except calculators) during class.


Exactly. What teacher doesn’t have and enforce a rule against having headphones in your ears in class? Any kid who is using them should basically automatically lose them for the day, no questions asked.

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Don’t quote me on this, but I’m pretty sure that schools have policy’s against taking phones and stuff. Something about not “discriminating” or some other propaganda.

I can’t say for sure. My kids are home schooled to avoid having teachers that aren’t allowed to manage classrooms, among other things. But if a teacher can’t take headphones, they won’t have a chance to teach.


I was always homeschooled and private schooled off and on. Depending on where we lived, and if there was a good private school near us.

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I went to 9 different education establishments due to living in care, and being moved around.

Some I would have gotten away with something like this, others my guardians wouldn’t have allowed me a mobile device, leave alone an expensive one.

We did it the old fashioned way… Bits of paper and if caught, you just ate it!