Music That Heals: Songs That Resonate In The Wake Of 9/11

I thought this was interesting.


I remember exactly that day and the hours I spent in front of the TV.
Watching scary scenes from New York and the Pentagon. We couldn’t believe all of this that the world’s greatest power, the US, had been attacked so brutally.

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My kids had just went to school and I turned on the TV, a live feed from NY was on talking about the 1st plane crashing into one of the Twin Towers. I was watching live when the 2nd plane hit. I think that is one of those times when you remember where you were and what you were doing when it happened.

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What terrified me most was when the Pentagon was attacked. It looked like a bad dream or a scene from a thriller.
Meanwhile, it was actually happening …

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Here’s the clip I was talking about. It’s at about 1:15 in.
PS We have a member of Congress (I won’t mention her name) who doesn’t believe a plane crashed into the Pentagon (at least she didn’t, she has sense changed her tune). It’s a strange time we live in where people would rather believe in Conspiracy Theories instead of using common sense or believing their own eyes. It’s both scary and sad.

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I was doing social work at that time. I had to accompany another worker on out of state. It was in Pennsylvania. Where we went to do the visit was probably 30 miles from where the 3rd plane crashed

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Yes, I remember it exactly. I came back from the forest from the mushroom picking, turned on the TV, and at that moment the second plane hit the second tower :astonished:.

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Remember rhat day. That was shock.

One of my college buddies was on his way to pick his parents up at the airport that day (in New York).

The traffic was stuck, and he was very anxious.

Fortunately his parents made it safely, but he was at wits end waiting in traffic seeing what was unfolding.


I’m glad to hear his parents were safe. It was a crazy scene that day.


On the healing music thought, Franki Love has released music with healing frequencies… and some really good songs.

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