Note Donation center?

I was looking at the swap board and note exchange post and it got me thinking. I thought about maybe being able being able to donate some notes to others. Say you are at 495 and you need 5 notes to hit 500. You could ask the community for help. Although it sound decent in theory, I also can see how it would be a nightmare as well as people could potentially scam it.

Nope. It would help aid in “point trading” which is against the rules.

Doubt this would ever get put into action…it would just encourage points trading and then it’s a slippery slope regarding points and notes from then on…

“Point Trading” sound like a dodgy idea to me it could go wrong in many ways and also violates TOS

Great idea but not likely

Would be easier just to find a way to get the additional 5 points, be it starting a thread the next day/sharing a post or commenting alone. Would be hard to justify gifting notes from people who did just that.

I was initially thinking notes not points. As notes was harder but was not fully thinking out my thought.

Yeah, I mean someone could easily create tons of accounts, and then funnel all the registration notes into a single account.

As much as the idea sounds interesting, Im not sure how it wouldnt devolve into a huge headache for anyone involved.