Photo Of The Week | The Color Red

You know I have been getting a few of those 504 error. I am wondering if others have too.

:+1:t2: Nice to see who the messages are being written to :grinning:.

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Didn’t received error mesages recently

Well I was starting to have additional issues with my internet. It was starting to lose connection for a few hours once we got home.

There was a road work on my driveway where they hit my line and pulled out the hanger and pulled the line a little. So six months of that and internet 504 and router outages.

So I got a new line outside… I hope it solves my @SoundcoreAdam streams as well. To watch and/or help respond if needed. Hope to cut the 20 or so seconds lag

I am like 50 ft where a 100 meg line is at but get about 17 meg, 2 meg on upload and a 11 ping right now. Have to remember it is WV mts


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Nice pictures :+1:t2:.
Winter lasts a long time with you, and autumn begins quickly.
In Poland, almost all trees are still green.

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Depends on the trees here, but most have started to turn.

Our main tree in the front yard (Siberian larch) just started to turn yellow.

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Okay! My entry – You are the apple of my eye :apple:
(you definitely know which apple I am mentioning, right? :wink:)


@starfan I like apples so much that when I was in the military they used to call me “apple boy” :joy:.
Nice picture!


Since I’m from Detroit, when I hear the word Red, the first thing I think of is The Detroit Red Wings.

Motion Booms with the Liberty Air 2 Pro

Liberty Air 2 Pro with Mini 3

Motion Booms with the Liberty Air 2 Pro


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My Q10’s with an eternal red rose I gifted my wife today.


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So many nice last minute photos

Congrats to @starfan for the win. :clap:

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