Sore ears - Liberty 3 Pro

Hi all,
I got my Libery 3 Pros primarily to use the ANC in a noisy office to limit distractions. So far they’re doing a decent job. BUT… despite using the smallest tips and smallest ear-wings - my ears are sore after about an hour’s use… not ideal when I have an 8-hour office day to block out!
Do Anker or any aftermarket sellers do smaller or custom tips and ear wings?
Thanks in advance,

You can probably find some other ear tips or search on here for folks who have done eartips.

Ever so often there are some folks who may have issues with certain earbuds and their ear hurting due to how their ears are shaped. So it may mean certain types of earbuds may not be the best than other types.

As far as ear wings I do not think so but you can contact to see if they do specific earwings.

I gave my brother a few and he had issues with at least two pairs hurting his ears as well.

Some can never use such in ear plugs.
So do I.
I have tested all type of plugs,
if these do fit perfectly they make me pains,
if there is no pain the sound is miserable.

Human beings and their ear canals are different. :laughing: