Soundcore Life Note

I bought them yesterday but it is not fitting my ear comfortably. I tried all 5 different ear cushions :frowning: and why no details of Life Note is given in the official website? :thinking:

So you tried the ear cushions and tips changes with the cushions as well.

I will say that there has been one other that I saw that had issues with TWS not fitting. Have seen a few say they hurt their ears though.

Are they too big or too small do you think? Also are you sure you are wearing them properly? I know sometimes if they aren’t worn properly they can really hurt

They are not fitting properly. Smaller ones are loose and bigger ones are tight. They are coming off automatically as I walk or move around :confused:

Umm they are not hurting my ears or something. But not comfortable wearing them as I have to make sure they won’t fall off :face_with_monocle: