Soundcore Life P3i Review - There Just One Problem

Welcome back Soundcore Fanboys and Fangirls, we’re down the line of the conclusion of this mini series known as…THE WINTERRRR OF SOUNDCOREEEEE!!! After this video we have one final video left and then I will be taking a small break from reviewing Soundcore products for a while. Today’s video is about the all new Life P3i. Now I know the title seems negative but I can reassure you this has nothing to do with these earbuds. I encourage you all to watch the entire video and hear the issues being presented and have an open mind to the constructive criticism. And remember this is all my opinion not facts so I hope to open the doors for more discussions. I do also hope you enjoy the video and make sure to like, comment and share!


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Thanks for sharing the review. I’m about to check it out! :+1:

Nice review. Thanks for sharing.