Soundcore Life Tune Volume limiter

Hello there, I recently got a Garmin watch with music, and when the volume is on full it sounds like it is ruining my headphones, it’s only been on full for a couple of seconds to test. I have seen stuff about the watch making the volume go to full suddenly. Can I limit the volume on the headphones?

May be you could limit the volume on your device.
But I don’t own such a watch.


Turn the volume on the Life Tune itself.

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Do not think that is possible but I have have not heard of many earbuds/headsets that has a volume limiters on them. (or I have just not gone and searched for them)

The only kid friendly item that soundcore had that limited the volume was the Strike series gaming headsets but that was just a toggle switch.

I think this is more of a Garmin issue in that the watch need a fix to prevent the volume jump. Although it does not seem like an issue at this time. I would be watchful of it and if it happens, I would give Garmin support what info you may have as sometimes it is hard to figure out an issue with limited data they may get…

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Research “Burn-In”… It’s the term used for audio speakers, including headphones and the like, describing proper break-in for the sound drivers. DO NOT TURN VOLUME ALL THE WAY UP WITH BRAND NEW SOUND EQUIPMENT! Some speakers can take 100’s to 1000’s of hours of sound projection before they start to reach their Peak Sound Quality. In other words, if you treat them as you should and keep the volume well below maximum during Burn-In, the audio will get better & better. Putting your device into it’s prime, instead of the trash.