Soundcore pro : no sound

I have a sound core pro but it stops working any more. Everything pairs and looks like it’s working but no sound is coming out. Aux test is not working also. Faring is no problem but no

sound. How do I do in this situation. Thanks for your quick response in advance.

Look in all the places volume can be adjusted, possibly one of them is low. If Phone, then volume up in settings for media.

Try a different phone.

If none of them work then email with proof of purchase and serial number , description of problem and all you’ve attempted to do to fix.

You can try the follwoing steps to see if it helps:

  • Confirm the speaker is fully charged
  • Try the speaker with another device; try another app or audio source
  • Make sure the volume on both the speaker and the paired device is turned up

If it’s no help, please email to they’ll help you ASAP.

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