What are your go-to songs when testing out new audio products?

I’ve been reading up on wireless earbuds and with some reviews, the reviewer lists one or two songs that they listen to after unboxing the item. I’ve seen “You’re Beautiful” by James Blunt to “Stronger” by Kanye West.

What are your go-to songs after unboxing an audio product? Are there one or two songs that you have to play when you get something new?

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Sounds of silence by disturbed. The reason I prefer this is 1. I am a huge disturbed fan and 2. If you know the song and have ever listened to it with a good stereo and/or recording you can hear the left, right tracks clear which helps when testing a new product.


@cazzy66 If you haven’t tried it yet, give Liberty 2 Pro a try.
When it comes to sound quality, after 10 months of use, I am still delighted.
I always reach for them with pleasure.
I didn’t expect earbuds to have such good sound :+1:t2:.

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I don’t have any “special” for testing.

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For me it’s a whole album. I test out new equipment with Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon… It’s the 1st album I ever bought and I know it quite well. Not only that but I think it’s a good album for testing.


First I listen to the sound of electronic music from my favorite disc, J.M.Jarre "Oxygene- New Master Recording. It is very well recorded, with many interesting stereo effects :slightly_smiling_face:.

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You should listen to your preferred songs. :smiley:

But always remember the speakers, earphones, earbuds need a certain time
to “break in” their membranes.
Often its told to use special frequencies to do that, but there is no need.
After a while listening to music its done so far.

I have a couple, and some for straight up pushing limits…

Ozzy - crazy train - great left / right testing
Lark ascending - highs / clarity of pure sound
Pink Floyd - marooned - purity of sound highs
Imagine dragons - radioactive - bass shaker, pushes frequency response
In th3 d33p - down - right / left test
Golden salt - ballad of the crow - new age classical - range test

Many others, constantly changing…

What songs do you like to test out new audio with?

My go to song

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Is this a composition from Einaudi?
Great music!

If you like such ones, I am sure you know Philip Glass.

This is one of my favorites :

I remember my first time I heard it.
It was in the very early morning.
So I really woke up.
Powerful and dynamic.



I have a confession to make before I list my go to test songs for new audio products. My confession is that I’ve recently started listening to a lot of streaming music over stored or downloaded music files. The reason for this is strictly file size and type. When I purchase a new audio product, I want it to have the ability to reproduce and sound as close to studio original version as possible. That said, personal audio can get really effing expensive!!! So I can’t list any go to songs but rather I use genres as the test music in question . I have an enormously eclectic music catalogue. From Mozart to Mega Death to Mos Def. Everything EXCEPT anything country. So that’s HOW I test my new audio products rather than what songs I use. Maybe I’m weird but it seems like for every song or artist, I’m constantly playing with the EQ and levels on my DAC or AMP or combination of the two. Is there anyone else here like me? Or am I missing something???.. lol