What happens if you’re in the leaderboard top 10 and win something for US only

I myself am in the US but I’ve seen people on here that aren’t. The prizes for the leaderboard top 10 right now are a lot of US only so I’m just curious what happens then if a person wins a US only prize and doesn’t live in the US ?..

They just receive the giveaway tickets.


Aw that’s a bummer but at least still winning something :slightly_smiling_face:

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currently they just get the giveaway tickets since they aren’t available in their country. It is sad but they are doing the best they can

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Hey better than nothing :grin:

Btw if you end up winning the shirt. Just wanted to let you know it is enormous. I received mine a few days ago from the last leaderboard and it is like a tent on me. I think it is like jumbo XL .


:joy::joy::joy: that would be fine with me dress shirt I guess lol