Amazing Quality Product

I would just like to start by saying… I am super satisfied with the obvious fact that most of soundcores’ products withstand moist and damp, even wet areas. Due too, again the fact that most of their devices are IPX5-7 to my knowledge. Reluctantly is acts as a stylish phone from time to time. If you are in to vintage devices. I.E. The Brick Speaker. AMAZING SOUND TO ME. NOT THE RAUNCHY LOUD SOUND YOU GET FROM SOME DEVICES. Spacial sound coming from this amazing product is wonderful. The air conduction headphones take major adjustment. A beautiful transition when you look at how long we have been sticking ear budz in our ear. Thank you for my ear health consideration. IT IS A DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE WITH THE V30i headphones and I will keep you updated. I mean 13 years of in ear headphones. MENTAL AWARENESS!!

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