ANC in my Life A2 NC is not as expected

Hi, so there is this review on YT regarding A2 NC buds, and it’s completely astonishing how this buds are cancelling the surrounding which gives them a perfect score.
Problem is, I am unable to receive anything nowhere near that quality. When I’m outside walking through the city, people I’m calling to are complaining that sound is far from being clean, there is a feeling of me being under-water or when I’m switching to the phone they say that it’s FAR cleaner and overall better quality chance of converastion.
So, I wanted to ask, is it only my unit doing that or are you having a similar issues?
My firmare is 2.38, I’ve contacted Anker directly to install newest firmware via serialnumber and app on my unit some time ago.
In the video, reviewer says, that in order to receive this quality he talks about, you have to have that newest software, but does anyone know if he referring to 2.38?

There’s different mic tests.

  • in a quiet environment
  • in a noisy environment.

But there’s different types of noise, spectrum and direction. So what may block one sound type may not block another.

If you’re sure you got latest firmware, then probably you need to open ticket to get the unit replaced, the mic may be faulty. Typically they use use both mics to filter sound but one mic is transmitting the call. So if the other mic is faulty it may not be detecting the sound to filter out.

There’s two or more mics. They are both listented to in software. The sound which comes equally from both forward mics is assumed is the human voice, and the frequency range for humans is selected. That gets transmitted in the call.

The sound further rearwards is filtered.

The sound stronger on one side than the other is filtered.

If the sound moves around then the filtering is less good.

So you get different success at filtering based on the frequency, location, movement.