Are You Missing Jack?

I wish there were a pair of wireless earphones to work with a desktop. My work desktop doesn’t have Bluetooth capabilities.

@Rhapsody There are, look into plantronics work phone headsets

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Go for a bluetooth dongle.
But make sure first it works with the OS you run on your desktop.

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Those are horrible if they dont come with the driver your left looking or using generic bluetooth drivers and they dont always work right. But at least if he got the plantronics work headset he can use it without issues

I know those issues from LINUX.
Never buy any dongle without asking the LINUX-community.
Some got the label “Compatible with LINUX” from the manufacturer,
but they don’t work. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

With Linux you normally dont get drivers, those are integrated in the kernel.

Bring the jack back. We want our jack back.

Bring me back!! Please!! I still use mine if my Soundcore happen to be charging…
Thanks Soundcore, I now have 3 pair of your wireless buds…and only 2 ears. Haha
Seriously, your products rock!
I have 109 Anker/Soundcore products, amazing.
Keep up the great work.