Core Update 107 | Liberty 3 Pro is Here!

You could help them! :smile:

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:thinking:I suppose you will be pleased :slightly_smiling_face:.
I have a Liberty 2 Pro without ANC and yet the mute is great!
Congratulations again on the award :+1:t2:!


Saw this morning but taking son to school but have to say congrats to all the winner.

Good to see some older active members being more active again. Glad to see new members being active as well.

Grats to @Chiquinho for his giveaway win as well.


Nice update and congrats to those who won, especially my friend @Chiquinho.

Curious why even have a contest of spot the differences if your not gonna pick the winner from those who got all the answers right? :thinking: oh well at the end of the day they have final say so hats off to those who won


I thought the same. I thought my chances were high because going through the comments only like five people found six on each like I had which made my chances of winning higher I thought but I guess that’s not how they did it. A little confusing for sure

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Thanks for the update @Hannah.

Congrats to the winners.

I’m really liking the white Liberty 3 Pros.


Truly Random!

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Should all come back and give us all a review thread of their thoughts on them.


I will most certainly do that once they arrive. Well, maybe a day or two after they arrive, so that I get a chance to try out all the features :+1:t2::sunglasses:

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I also assumed the same structure in terms of random from all “complete” answers.

Oh well… congratulations to the winners.

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El Jefe is live now talking about LP3