Core Update 136 | New Week, New Updates

Hi @Steve976 :fist_left:t2:.
I have a lot of work to do now, but I watch what is happening in the community and see that you are very successful.
Congratulations :clap: I’m glad the improved Motion Boom (+) model has been made - this is your favorite speaker (just why no TWS :worried:?).
My 2 Boom Brothers are working brilliantly in TWS :star_struck:.
Have a nice weekend!

@TheSnarkyOne 🙋
Thanks for kind words.
Thanks to the brave defenders of Ukraine, the war did not reach Poland. We feel safer than a few months ago. Congratulations on winning the photo contest this week :clap:.

@Craig_Paterson Greetings from sunny Poland.
I can see the Wheel of Fortune did a good job for you this week. Congratulations on winning :clap:!
The prime minister of your country not only has an original haircut, but is also a brave and wise leader - :+1:t2:.

@VertigoXX Congratulations on your many successes in the community :trophy:.
I am most happy about the successes of the Ukrainian Army, I read events from the war front every day.
I hope the final victory :ukraine: will come soon!

@Chiquinho I stopped worrying about it anymore. There are more important things in life.
(Economic fact: You will believe that our price of coal for the household has reached € 648 per ton (€ 0.65 per kg of coal :hushed:).
Have a good day and a great weekend 🙋!


Hello My Friend. :wave:

My Booms are still kicking it strong. I really love those speakers. When the warm weather finally came back we (Booms and I) are playing music on the porch. I’m also wondering why no TWS but I figured out a solution with 3.5mm cords, but not wireless. That’s only if I get 2, but I’m happy with my Booms. :heart_eyes:

It’s really nice to hear from you. Take care my friend!

PS Have a great weekend!



@Steve976 @Duane_Lester @TheSnarkyOne
We never had five way tie before but we had two and three way tie here.
In my opinion system adds 1% for the first vote or the last vote but it can be random as well.
I was involved in tie before and got full reward for it. So more winners - more points distributed :smiley:


Hi @sodojka – a big :wave:t2: from the sunny Scottish Borders (well, the ::sun_with_face: is shining as I type this).

Yes, Mr Random was indeed kind to me last week, thank you :four_leaf_clover:.

I’m not so sure many people I know would agree with you that our current Prime Minister is brave and wise… he is known to some as BoJo the Clown (and quite often lives up to that name) :clown_face:.

I hope that you and your family are all well. Stay safe and don’t be a stranger.

Best wishes,


Indeed, it was NHS staff who delivered Vaccine, and the army releasing its weapons. Taking credit is easier than courage.

A bit of me thinks China sits back til we’ve all used up our bullets then marches in. Wearing big white suits. :wink:

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