Core Update 74 | Monday Motivation with LÜM

Life has been good, … best! Hope the same with you, :blush:

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That’s great to hear. All good with us too thanks :+1:t2:

I’m so behind on the podcasts :frowning: life has been crazy.

Didn’t realize there was a double winner - it gets hard to keep track of who has won what around here, with all of the channels and giveaways.

Paul’s other win was from a YouTube creator giveaway.


Chigzs does some really good reviews and comparisons.

Should have a look and see what you figure.

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Cool, I did a quick search and he looks interesting.

Not enough time in the day to followup on all the interesting stuff that gets posted though. So we’ll see.

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The phone reviews are pretty good, and he does a good job with some of the techie stuff like android boxes.

Lots to choose from to check out, for sure.

A good start to the day👍🏻!

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