Do you know music 3D, 8D, 12D,...?

@Duane_Lester(Congratulations to the tester👍🏻), @supersmacker1234-
put on Libera 2 Pro: the sound circles around the head and goes through the head.:+1:t2:

I thank you.

With the 8 d it is what I did with the L2P as well.

I would go cut the grass with the riding mower, put on the 8d songs and mow grass. I found the L2P to have decent passive anc that it was a no brainer to listen to music and not to the mower blaring. Lol

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Never heard about it. Will check later. Thanks for sharing.

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Don’t think I listened to 12D but as @Duane_Lester said, we did have a chance to listen to 8D

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Nothing new.
Google for " Kunstkopfstereophonie".
Those radio plays created in the 1970 are classics, but not very well known.
All the new old songs are manipulated by software.
Often very poorly.

There was a thread about it in the past here.
Seek for it.

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Here is the one that a bunch of people referenced from the past and has a couple great suggestions of some 8D audio people liked and a little background on it

I’ve listened to some 8D ones before.
Now here’s another cool video ‘360D’, you can drag the screen using your cursor and hear the music coming from different angles.

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@starfan Great movie👍🏻. Listen to this recording on headphones.

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I’ll have to check this out w the L2Ps tomorrow eve.

I’m intrigued, nice share @sodojka

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Thanks for sharing🙂. Very interesting article and interesting music. I like to hear something different sometimes. Congratulations on winning twice !
Have a good day and effective study👍🏻!

Don’t listen to too much at once, it’s a bit tiring, but one or two recordings are worth listening to. The sound effects are amazing sometimes :+1:t2:

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@Duane_Lester We have too early for mowing grass - it is too small. I listen when cleaning the house and at night when everyone is in bed - thanks to the headphones I do not disturb anyone😁.

Congratulations on becoming a Q35 tester👏.
You haven’t received your Q35 shipment yet, then you have time to listen to 8D, 12D, … Really interesting impressions for the ears - try it on the headphones (!)
Have a nice day!:+1:t2:

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@Chiquinho But headphones, a computer, a car, … are nothing new either. Just compare, for example, a computer from 20 years ago to the one from 2021. Compare the quality of the recorded sound from the 1960s and the quality of the sound recorded in 2021. Probably only the “quality” of people was better decades ago …:grinning:

Thank you and yea I’ll try to listen to some once I find some time and nice songs/music. Have a nice day yourself!

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Had a listen today, and it’s interesting. I found it a bit distracting as I was imagining somebody walking the speaker around the room while recording…

I’ll check a couple others out later this week.

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@TheSnarkyOne It is impossible to listen to many songs, because the whirling sound that passes through the head is tiring. But 1-2 is very exciting.


Just listened to 12D… I thought I was going crazy after 8D now I really think I’m losing my mind :joy:

@ktkundy Then try to listen to this recording😁:


Wanted to give these a listen as never heard of this before.
Personally, what a pile of tosh!
Sounds like a dodgy 90’s DJ who gets through their sets by over abuse of the fader, I didn’t feel it added to the music.

However, ditching the headphones and pumping it through the old school surround amp, in stereo mode and though multiple satellite speakers it was still gimmicky but seemed to have a slightly better effect than through headphones.

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