How can I connect to PS4?

I’ve been receiving the attached photos while trying to connect or a message stating Bluetooth connection isn’t supported. Can anyone help with this?

I believe most of the earbuds/headsets will not connect to the ps/xbox devices. I think it may be due to the chipset…

The VR P10 should be able to connect to the PS4 as well as switch and Quest as well. It was made for the systems and to not to have lag. (which is why the others may not have the ability to connect).

If it is headset, you should be able to plug them in when connected when wired.

They will not work with your PS4. This is by design from Sony.

You will have to use a USB male to USB-C female adapter and plug the dongle into the front of your PS4, I use them on my PS4 regularly without issue. They are designed to work with PS4, PS5, Meta 2 and your cell via Bluetooth . I hope this helps, I see I am a couple months out from your post!