How do you disable other people from connecting to your speaker while your already connected?

I’ve had the problem of my music getting interrupted many times by my roommate unintentionally since I’ve bought the speaker.

I’ll be playing music, then when he turns his Bluetooth on upstairs it will automatically connect to his phone and start playing whatever is playing on his phone.

Is there any way to stop this from happening?
Can you disable multiple connections?
Or something similar.

I would suggest asking your roommate to remove/forget your speaker in the Bluetooth settings on his phone.

Respectfully, that’s pretty far from helpful. I’m sure I’m not the only one who needs a way to stop non-compliant people from connecting to my speaker.

I’m in a high school, where various people have connected to this speaker. I’m now sitting in a classroom with no one around, and I can’t connect to the speaker because it connects to someone else’s computer in another room before I can get it to connect to mine.

Resetting the speaker didn’t help.

Aanndd this question again goes unanswered. I’ve looked all over and it’s looking like we can’t even stop randoms from connecting to our speakers we paid for. No way to block hijackers. Now have to always connect my phone with a damn AUX cord and have the Bluetooth turned off. This isn’t what I paid $100 for. Fix this dumb shii soundcore