How to get support from support

Soundcore support requires proof of purchase before allowing submitting a support request. I can’t find my Best Buy invoice and as such can’t ask a support question. Anyone know how to get support in my situation?

I kinda get why they are asking but it does put a burden on their customers.

Not really…normally places like Amazon has that in the files.

I would say check your card that may have been used and if it stated what it was. If you did it online then you should have a history as well.

Other than that I M not for sure.

I usually will take a pic of receipt and sent it to myself in an email and then put in a folder

I bought from Best Buy but I think I checked out as a guest and as such, BB has no record on file from me. And I was too good at cleaning out emails :frowning:

Unless it is in your trash (not deleted that is).

Sorry I was hoping you may have had a BB account where you may have been able to see the receipt online

Wish you luck