Leaderboard Strangeness - Off Topic?

No chance to repair?

I did that recently.
Our washer is now ca 30 years old so I could not resist and give that MIELE a chance.
Works fine now. :grinning:

Was afraid to have to buy one with only some bad programmed electronics for controlling.

ERROR 201 -> and the manual says : “Buy a new one” :sweat_smile:

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We had some bad storms roll through yesterday. I lost power/internet until around 8:30 -9:00 PM. Trees were down. Hopefully you weren’t affected @Duane_Lester.

Washer machine: I never let any laundry build up, and I tend to hand-wash and drip-dry. I usually use the morning home heating to then dry in winter or out line outside in summer. I once went 2 weeks without a washer as our boiler was bust and it was boiling water on stove and a bucket and spoon. I keep a high level of preparedness for any kind of outage but not suffered anything for 8 years.

Hope your issues resolved and thanks for the heads-up.

The other moderator is exceptionally quiet. Screenshot_20220401_145923

If there is a need for another moderator I suspect you know someone appropriate but if no volunteers I’ll help. It matters more if you come under a spammer attack (rare).

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Could work if you own 2 shirts, 2 underwear and 3 pairs of stocking.

But I would like to see you washing for a huge family.

No more leisure time to write comments here.
Day & night washing! :sweat_smile:

This would be an absolutely perfect equipment :


Now everyone sees where “washboard abs” comes from.

Btw We neanderthals never wash clothes.
If our fur gets shabby we go for another mammoth :rofl:

For sure if you had to long term do without a washing machine would mean much more effort. But I keep enough spares and not let anything get too long without cleaning so I can cope for some time without a washer.

Most of clothes is 10-15 year old as I don’t put into machine or scrub, just hot water, soak. I spent last week moving around and in a week just the “3” (one on, one in wash, one ready to wear) as drip / heater finishes in 2 days always. Been doing this way for > 10 years.

We do not let laundry get build up either and are taking some laundry to do at the the hotel to wash what we can. It ended up being 600 or so as I a gift card that I had won a while back.

Appreciate the offer… I think I should be around often enough if needed but gave head up as I know we will be going swimming, watching a movie and my son has a college induction ceremony…

Most times, the issue is a wrong category selected or duplicates…a few flags here and there. Always tag my name as those do go to my direct emails.

As far as back to the leaderboard, there is no right or wrong on how it may be done. It is easy to win if you end up winning core updates and such but it is also not fun winning core updates but losing due to life situations and missing needed points which I have had happen as well.

Well about 5 min to see son. See ya soon


Our old washer (20+ years old at least) failed recently. I had fixed things on it a few times before, but this time it wasn’t worth the money / time to fix it.

So we have a shiny new front loader, with all the touch things and fancy lights. I dread the day parts fail on it, I see no chance it lasts as long as the old one. But the only alternatives to something like that was a “repaired” one of a similar age to my old one, so new it is.

I did get a scratch and dent, so a bit cheaper. Between my uncareful handling and my crazy kids, anything shiny will not take long to become scratched and dented anyway.


I dont think your new washer will last these 20 years.

All those “new” modern things are constructed in the intention of obsolescence.
That’s business, that’s market, that’s a shame.


I agree. I had a friend who went on tour of auto factory. He heard the staff cheer and when he asked the tour guide said it was due to an engine that had been running gave out at a simulation of the engine breaking down at a certain mileage.


Shhht! Duane, these are truths which are not liked to be seen on companies forum. :rofl:

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Indeed my mother’s washing machine of 5 years old had worn bearings and told non-replaceable so new washer.

Typed on a 3 year old tablet with a Anker Powercore attached to not wear out the tablet’s battery.

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I usually type on a 10 year old Laptop.
Why should I use/ buy a new one? :smile:

Only those who have not enough money are going for such “new gimmicks”
and waste the money they don’t have.

I’m walking 14 miles today. Two thumbs. Laptop wouldn’t work. Another hour before I can use a laptop.

When I do walks I am offline!
Nothing can disturb. :grin:

@sean.L @Chiquinho @The_Professor @Steve976 @jercox @Duane_Lester @TheSnarkyOne @Craig_Paterson
I would like to share some thoughts
Had very busy week, but fortunately there is a weekend :smiley:. So I am able to make this comment.
It’s a pretty strange thread. It’s started about inactivity then moved to idea to dismatle Leaderboard system (some of you call it “change the system”) then moved to washing mashines :joy:
I will skip “washing mashines” (my isn’t new but still works well) and write a few thoughts about community and freebies (including Leaderboard).

  1. Freebies and Leaderboard.
    There are three types of giveaway on Community: for Leaderboard winners, weekly (seems became biweekly now) giveaways for ticket holders and irreguliar giveaways for everyone including new members. Weekly giveaway prizes are for tickets that can be received for taking lower positions on Leaderboard. Basicly those giveaways are for “medium active members”
    I hardly believe 4 members claiming for Leaderboard system changes forgot about weekly giveaways because 3 of you won prizes at least once in last 6 monthes here. But you keep falsely claiming that a few guys take all prizes.
    I did research and discovered that in last 6 monthes there were distributed 18 prizes for leaderboard winners and 17 prizes for weekly giveaway winners.
    Last month there were 3 prizes for Leaderboard and 2 for tickets.
    To be honest to compete for the Leaderboard is hard work and prizes doesn’t worth spent time and efforts. Prize is just a nice add, a sign of appreciation from Soundcore.
    I appreciate @Duane_Lester for his time spent on proposing alternative systems, but in my opinion allbthose are much worse than the current. 1st proposal will give tanking in second half of the month and enormous activity during the last minute (literaly) of the month. 2 and 3rd are socialism. I grew up in socialism and know exactly that nobody works while everybody get the same reward. 4th is worst one. System must be stable as long as possible. Just imagine monthly changing taxation system or driving rules😃 5th is the same as current with strong shift to socialism. I am sure any of those changes would change Soundcore Community to something similiar to Anker Community that turned to social network with two groups (Beer Club and Weekend Activities).
    And finally a few words about March Leaderboard. After winning February Leaderboard I decided to skip March leaderboard. Just to give a chance for others. In first 5 days of the month I collected 15 points only. I even skipped my favourite Music Friday activity. Seems other February winners were tanking as well. In the middle of March I noticed that except Duane and Steve nobody else wanted to get high on Leaderboard by working hard. NOBODY!
  2. How to improve Community.
    A. Be polite. I’m receiving comments under my threads like “I could do such thread as well but it’s not interesting” or “music you posted is just noise” and replay to other member’s comment on the same thread “Don’t waist your time. Don’t listen it”. I don’t know what is the purpose of such comments, but I know at least one active member that left Community because of toxic atmosphere.
    B. Stop posting comments like "I didn’t got my points/notes/tickets. Your comment can be read by new member and be reason for leaving Community. If you have such problem just contact Sean and he will solve the issue.
    C. Giveaways for all members are useful to attract new active members. I suggest to improve such activities. Instead just making one tread and require to make one comment to participate in giveaway make series of 5 daily threads and require to make comment not later than 24 hours after the thread was created. Such activity should be annouced in advance. It would make new member to visit community for 5 consecutive days and the chance that such member will stay here will be higher.
    I have to write long texts regularly because of my work and I hate it, but I needed to write this one.
    Thanks for reading.
    Have nice day.

i wasn’t here for a long time because i got busy with fall semester and then with my job. but the reason for the low points i feel is that to some it’s getting boring. i know i’m in that boat which is why i didn’t come here during my free time between graduation and starting job. the only thing that kept me coming was talking to people while i was stuck at home and answering questions people had. but that only lasts so long because 1. majority of the answers can be found if people dig deeper and 2. i wasn’t buying new products so it was hard to answer at that point


Very true, but many are too lazy to do that. :roll_eyes:


I agree some are too lazy to search but the forum has primarily the balance of fault as it lets a user make a new thread rather than force into a search and lets them submit an utterly vague question of an unspecificied product. There are ways for Soundcore to force users into searching and force them into finding best match threads.

For example, a noob may be believing the fact they are connected to their Soundcore product in the Soundcore app makes their thread here be tagged with their product. It’s not the user’s fault all the time, but can be sometimes.

In the meantime I won’t make new threads unless there’s no matching existing, and I do point to search results to teach how to search.