Liberty 4 NC - Sound quality difference between NC and Normal Modes

Overall, very impressed with the sound quality but I have noticed a significant difference in sound quality between NC/Transparency modes compared to Normal Modes. The sound is much fuller, with richer bass in NC and Transparency modes but sounds quite flat in Normal Mode. Is this supposed to be this way or do I have a faulty unit? The equaliser settings are the same in all of the modes but it almost feels like the equaliser doesn’t work in normal mode. The reason this is important is when sitting in an environment where NC or transparency modes are not needed, you will end up using more battery than normal mode unnecessarily.


You might have to adjust the equalizer.

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Did you ever resolve the issue? I have the same exact issue. It’s not the equalizer setting. I was a professional audio engineer for 8 years. I tried blasting the bass on the EQ in Normal mode and it doesn’t sound even close to the fullness of Noise Canceling mode.

I have an inner ear imbalance / vertigo condition and I need to have the earbuds in Normal mode. I just got these and was hoping they’d work but if they sound horrible in Normal then there’s no point in keeping them.

I plan to contact support so I’ll update if I resolve it.

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Not resolved. Using the largest size ear tips does reduce the difference in quality but doesn’t resolve it. Soundcore did send me a replacement but same issue. I was starting to think it was just me!

If they sent you replacement, does that mean you already spoke to support about the issue?

Good point about the larger tip. But that might decrease comfort. I’ll try it too.

I’ve searched this entire forum and yours is the only post about this issue. No mention of it on Reddit. I wonder why.

Yes support are aware but likely not a known widespread issue? They didn’t have a solution apart from suggesting a reset and then send a replacement. Initially I thought it may be something to do with sound leakage but toggling the sound leak option doesn’t make any difference either. Only thing that comes close to reproducing the better sound in NC mode is the larger tip, but still a noticeable difference. This isn’t an issue I have with NC buds from another brand so clearly an issue with Liberty 4 NC only. I haven’t tried any other Soundcore NC buds to compare.

I appreciate the info. Thank you.

Here’s my EQ setting that gets Normal mode as close as possible to Noise Canceling mode. With the larger ear tip it gets even closer. I can live with it but will also try out other earbuds. I have ordered the Technics AZ80 and the Sony WF-1000XM4 to compare–both much more expensive.

I LOVE so many things about the Liberty 4, would hate to have to return them but for me the sound is one of the most important things.

Sorry that was not the right settings. This is better.


Thanks :+1: I will give those settings a try

I got the Technics AZ80. It is NIGHT AND DAY different from the Liberty 4. With noise cancelation Off, the sound is great. The sound is more “woofy” with NC on–and when you switch quickly to Off then the sound does seem a bit thin. But after a minute your ears adjust and it sounds great. I did apply a custom EQ as well to make it even better.

The Technics are very pricey. But if you can afford it and sound quality is a priority for you I’d recommend switching. Thr sound is just so much better.

Adjusting the equalizer and compensating definitely is the solution. I totally agree with David S., you might want to try this.

I suggest trying the SpotiQ10 eq app my dudes!
you’ll gonna love I’m sure!! I suggest tweaking the V Power preset or the Kick!!
lemme if you liked it

I have the same problem.
BTW I have the same problem also with the Life Q30.

With my Sony WH-1000XM5 every mode sound exact the same.
Doesn’t matter even if I use the equlizer.

Can’t explain it, just want to mention you’re not alone.

I came here looking to see if anyone else has this issue and it seems I’m not the only one. I hope they come out with a firmware update to fix this.

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Google brought me here when trying to find out what was going on. I agree that the NC setting has much fuller sound and more bass than the normal setting.