Liberty Air 2 Pro - LDAC?

You used the China-only non-official app to update, then used the official app. So there’s still some wriggle room to say you nullified warranty.

I don’t own this product, so I’m easily wrong.

I think we need someone to wait for app update and show these feature to then be a sign of global official support.

But even more important is Soundcore to reply here and not have the community guessing across with each other. Every guess is scope for error.

This is why I speculate why not officially released earlier. Most folks can’t tell the difference in audio quality, but easily notice battery life, so it was not an option initially. The P3 at lower cost pushed forwards a reason to put LDAC enabled in the higher cost LA2P.

It would be stupendous if Soundcore shared with us directly as all speculation is just scope for being wrong.

I have an update about that:
With activated ANC and 990 LDAC I was able to play Music for 3h45minutes until battery completely empty.


Hey there, I regret to say that LDAC is only available in CN version at present, for other countries, we are still evaluating and as of yet we don’t have a specific timeline for release. For any further updates, please keep an eye on the firmware update in your respective country or region.


Appreciate the info @Yi.mi_Liu.

Appreciate the info @Yimi_Liu


Thank you very much @Yimi_Liu for the update and the official statement.


Thanks for replying (update), we appreciate it!


What is it normally when not LDAC?

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I would say 5.5h with ANC on.
So LDAC reduces the runtime by around 33%. :sneezing_face:


That is not bad. It is about the run time of a Liberty Neo :crazy_face:


losing a third is consistent with the others I’ve been reading about.

In theory, these stick shaped buds should hold the LDAC signal for longer distance as the antenna is further off from the human skin than the in-ear buds. Say hypothetically there was a L2P successor with LDAC, I’d expect the LA2P with this firmware to hold signal better. In theory.

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Well from what was potentially stated, it looks as if LDAC may be able to be done via a firmware update per Yimi. It is just whether it will go to other countries after an extended evaluation.


Well it is more of given the China app version is installable by anyone, is if it nullifies warranty. Cat is out of the bag, even if it’s not allowed to be out of the bag.


I agree. I know there was the worry was the battery life reduction. I would assume that you can turn it off similar to the q35s


I just think it has to be documented, what battery life in which scenarios so there’s no “doesn’t work as advertised” unfair criticism from users.

So there’s 4 figures for combinations ANC ON/OFF and LDAC ON/OFF.

Yes you are right, as stated in my post ldac can be deactivated in the app.
Furthermore it seems like the functionality is also available in the official 2.7.1 on Playstore, I needed to change region to China, then the additional option to set ldac on/off was available


I’m wondering if there is a cost difference by geo?

Schrödinger’s cat?

Be tough to get it back in the bag now… who else is thinking of an out of region update?


Sorry for keeping you waiting.

We are glad to say that LDAC will be available on Liberty Air 2 Pro worldwide from the first week of September onwards.

You are more than welcome to keep an eye out for updates on our website and here on the Collective.


Thank you Anny. That is great news. I think it’s about time I get a new phone that is LDAC capable. Thanks again @anny.peng.