Looking for pictures of good equalizer settings

I’m trying to find great settings for the 9 band equalizer in the app. I need some for rock, metal, and country because, the presets just sound horrible with too much bass for those genres. Please help. Don’t want to any links to learn how to do it myself cause I don’t have a lotta time to just sit there and try to figure it out myself.

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Quick question, what product is this for. I have 2 Motion Booms and also Liberty Air 2 Pro Ear Buds. Different products have different sound signatures.

The problem is what might sound good to me might sound horrible to you. Only you know what you like. That being said, I can post a link to a couple of my thread where I posted pictures of my EQ settings. As soon as I get back home.

I’ll try to give you a couple of pointers though that should help you dial the EQ in quickly. The farthest left sliders control the Bass. The middle sliders control the Midrange, the farthest right sliders control the Treble. Give me a few minutes and I’ll post a couple of links to my threads.

This is a screen shot of my Motion Boom EQ. Try this and if the bass is too much, turn down the sliders on the left (just a little at a time until you like it). I hope this helps.

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Here are some EQ settings I use on my Rave Neo if you would like to give them a try.

Most people will tell you preferences depends heavily on the person I usually play around with the present ones on the app


There are no “good” settings in principle.
There are “good” settings only for you.
Those depend on the music you are listening to, the quality of the recording,
the quality of the speaker, earbuds, headphones you use.
And the most important your hearing ability

You have to play around a lot to find which settings fit for you.
Only one thing I can tell should not emphasize the preamp too much.


You are right. Any presets made by another person mostly are useless

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@Steve976 My equalizer setting for the Liberty 2 Pro is similar to yours. :+1:t2:

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