#LookUpLockDown Stories | VOTE NOW!

From the results this looks like it’s going to be close across all categories!


Some good options here, good luck to all the participants.


Congrats to those who were named.
@Hannah what happened to those who wrote stories? I thought there was going to be a vote on that as well?


I believe that is the quote section at the top…


yeah, that’s the first section at the top


@Tank I thought as you did as I thought it was 4 weeks. I know they had a holiday and week 3 blended into 2 weeks.

Based on what @Hannah stated last week in the below quote, I just assumed the contest was still going on and that winners for week 4 would be stated on Monday and added to the contest poll.

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See thats exactly my thought, I also thought they were taking everyone’s stories and having people vote on them. Not just taking a few, on this case 3 users and having people vote on those. Which imo isn’t fair to all the others who posted their lockdown story


It’s voting based on only the weekly winners :face_with_raised_eyebrow:. Seems pretty fair to me :thinking:?


I agree on that it was for the weekly winners to be picked. I think what happen is that they had their holiday that one week and it threw it off a week. So the 4 week contest basically became 3 weeks of winners and why they have 3 instead of 4.

So for the best photo, I am assuming that was for best photo of a person in it thus the reason why there was only two there (which I did not realize til now)

Even if they picked a 3rd picture or 4th picture, I think it would have been to hard to win again a picture of @Fuu_bar kid playing on a keyboard. The pic is too cute (I know I would vote for that pic over any of my pics )

From the beginning we said that the final vote would use the weekly winners (who were selected from the entries in the comments section of the previous post). Apologies if it wasn’t clear.


If they weren’t too big for his head, I would have used him lol

She loves listening to music with headphones now though. We used to just let her hold them and then she started realizing how to do it and now they are hers and I get to “borrow them” when she is not using them.


See my kids are older and my dogs are not puppies and I am just older.


Haha touchè. This one isn’t mine, I was just puppy sitting for my brother in law the other day. Although it did make my wife want another dog for all of 10 minutes until he proceeded to poop and pee on the floor.


I can borrow kids from my neighbor.
There are cats around I could use eventually.

But I made a decision!

I will try to domesticate “my” squirrels,
but this will take a time and I have run short of nuts at the moment. :rofl:


And I will keep my one joke to myself on that one. I have the metal nut cracker that is a squirrel you can use


I started the domestication.

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You know that I forgot about my racoon that comes to visit me.

No racoons in the city here.
Some imported ones are here in Germany I have heard.
Same is with grey squirrels.

Mine here are Bavarians!
One red and two black ones. :grinning:

What about a photo of the racoon with earbuds! :joy:

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That will make a very attractive set if you manage to get them to pose with your speakers. Domesticate away!

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