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Speaking of squirrels in funny poses;

This had my wife and children fascinated and entertained yesterday; what youtube is good for.

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The fellow got crazy ideas and has a lot of leisure time to build his “machines”.

I got tree squirrels here, need to give them names.
A big black “chefe” and two smaller ones (red and black)

We don’t have black or red squirrels where I live. Just grey squirrels.

Up north they have black squirrels, and maybe also red squirrels but I’m not sure.

I want a few dead squirrels where I live. Those little pest have ate at a few of my front porch boards.

Oh i watched that video and love mark rober’s videos… :slight_smile:

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This one was a fun one i enjoyed watching

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They take only revenge , because ou dont feed them!:joy:

Grey ones are the US squirrels.

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Yes, but they’re also the ugliest hehe. In certain parts of the country there are other types of squirrels as well- but they’re much less common.

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Ours are all grey here as well, my wife was startled by the black one. Thought it was a rat at first.

I was reading the grey ones got “pests” in some part of the USA.
These have shown up in the UK already , but not here in Germany.

I forgot to mention, we have a couple of spotted woodpeckers here .
They like to wake me up hammering on the old antenna mast on the roof.
Don’t know why they do it, may be they like the noise. and disturbing humans. :joy:

But these are not liked when thrilling holes in new installed wall insulation of houses.

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