LÜM shutting down

The LÜM platform will be shutting down starting December 12th. Sad to see it happen.


Really sad news.


That is pretty sad. I guess we will have an app update in the future to remove it.

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Makes sense, predictable.

Be big or die.


Hopefully they can get a different in app music player. Was nice having it.

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Something else may be good but figure an update to take it out til then.

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Too small to survive.
Establishing in this market means to earn money.,
otherwise there is no chance.

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That’s sad news. I have a nice little playlist I listen to there.


I agree but I wonder if the pandemic helped keep them viable longer than they may have been able too since everybody was at home more. :thinking:

I was wondering about this choice of business model for a streaming service. Admirable, but not sustainable… seemed like easy(ish) for outflow of $$, but not so much for the platform to earn in order to facilitate payments.

Will be interesting to see how it evolves.


It surprised me.
I was waiting for the LUM application to be available in our area, and here is such an unexpected news.


Shame to see it go. I enjoyed the playlist in the app.


Will need to check on a few from the soundcore app and my have to check where to get them once the Lum goes down.

It was enjoyable but I liked the previous playlist better than the current one.


I never liked having my choice of a Soundcore product having forced upon my their choice of music streaming being promoted along with nagging me to listen to something. I like decoupling of all my choices.

Certainly in Europe the bundling concept caused a large fine in other sectors away from music. e.g. Microsoft bundling IE.

Fortunately Soundcore allowed me to disable all my unwanted options to get it back to what I wanted of an app to control my Soundcore product.


I just want to say that it’s no loss for me personally. I was never able to use that silly service in Canada. Wise choice by Anker.

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Has no one really noticed that there is a “new LÜM” :slightly_smiling_face:?

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Yea they are focusing more on NFTs and other way to support artists.

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I hope they can find a business model that works for them!

Guys add me on Instagram I was doing really good on freaking lum and this happened so my Instagramis sincere_lyrix you can get all updates of my music my journey and pretty much everything I was during on lum