My Life Q30 switches between NC and Transparency modes automatically

I bought my headphone this week and everything is great, except one issue. Whenever I go out for a walk and turn NC on on Soundcore app, my Q30 headphones switch to Transparency mode when a loud car passes by me. And then, it switches back to NC outdoor on its own. Have anyone else encountered this issue? How can I fix this?


I am taking a guess. Do you have long hair?

My only thought is car is blowing your hair and your hair is hitting the touch function to change mode.

Other than that no guess

No, I don’t…

My hair is not that long.

That doesn’t happen on mine.

I’ve had Q30 for 2 years and never experienced that.


I’d immediately replace under warranty.

Hello hyoanbyk,

My Life Q30 has the same problem. It is switching between transparency and NC mode by itself. I could not identify the cause:worried:

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same problem right here just bought it yesterday

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i have the same problem , and i have identified the cause, but i don’t seem to find any solution, i don’t know if it can be fixed with a software update.
This problem only happens when i am near a signal tour , so whenever this happens look around for a signal tour , and try to cover the right ear with your hand without actually touching the headphones, this is the only temporary fix , and it’s really annoying to me, i hope anker does a software fix , because i really like the headphones


I’m experiencing same issue with mine. Started noticing it a week after purchase. I hope there’s be a firmware update to fixing it.

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I have the same problem

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I have the same problem. It makes them more or less unusable:(

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I’ve had the same issue with mine since I bought them in March 23, at the time I thought I was some how touching the button but it happens randomly. Very annoying, would be good if you could lock the mode on the app whilst using them.

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Yeah,im having mine Always changing to transparency without touching the headphone or by button

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I have the same problem but mine are with the Sport X20, and they have a button not touch controls, so I don’t know, I’ve only have them for like 5 days, I had the liberty pro3 and I never had any issues but I wanted to try something new

I have the same issue. That’s a good idea

I have the same issue since purchase.

Switch can happen when load sound is near me and when the surrounding temperature low.
In the office I’ve never faced this problem.

Any solutions!?