My soundcore liberty 4 nc case stoped working:( please help

I bought my liberty 4s 9 months ago and have babyed them they have been my all time favorite pair of earbuds I’ve ever owned, but last night the case completely died and now won’t take a charge. I cleaned the type c port and even tryed wirelessly changing them. Has anyone else had this issue? If so please help I use them for school mostly :sob:

With those not charging by the usb or c port then I am not sure what to state as far as a potential fix cause it is different than to say the earbuds not charging.

If you bought them from say Amazon or another retailer and still have the receipt, you probably can get that or a replacement by contacting (if no receipt check potential credit card info for when you bought it. If not, you should be able to find them on the website, probably, under accessories. The will be like 30 percent of the total cost. If you do not find them there, contact the service department to see if they can sell it if needed.

Any which way, I would contact the service department first and what they can do to help you out first.

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Thank you very much I filed a warranty ticket and have a replacement case on the way thank you!