No difference betwen noice cancellation, normal and transparency mode

Hello, I purchased the new Soundcore Liberty 4 NC headphones. I like the sound and all the functions. But I have a problem with noice cancellation and transparency mode. The thing is, that there is no difference between the modes. I know, that the noice cancellation is not perfect, but there should be some difference between the normal mode and noice cancellation mode. I tried the manual NC as well as adaptive NC. There is no difference. Even if i try the 1-5 levels of manual NC, there is no difference. When I selected environment detection, the app mentioned, that the music should stop for 2 seconds and some kind of beep should appear. But nothing like that happened. It just seems, that I press 3 different buttons (NC, normal, transparency mode), but the headphones do nothing. When you turn on transparency mode, you normally hear a “white noise”, but nothing in here. The same, when you turn on NC, you feel a weird pressure in your ears, but nothing here again. So, that is why I think, that those functions do not work at all. Do you think it could be a firmware problem? (I tried switching the modes in app as well as using the headphones buttons). I have no idea, what to do next.
Help me, please. Thank you, Ondřej Vaněk

It might be the firmware version try updating to the last if you haven’t already. Maybe a reset of the buds might fix this as well. I would contact customer support if this hasn’t been resolved. Soundcore has fine customer support according to many folks. I have the same pair of buds and they work fine. There surely is a difference between the modes when toggling them.

Edit: sorry, I’m talking about liberty 3 pro.

Well, I don’t think this earphone’s NC is that good. All that review videos etc. exaggerated. Don’t expect too much. I can hear everything outside even when I’m listening to music (low volume). I tried all tips and wings but no, NC is just not like what they say in review videos.

But all the rest is perfect. Just don’t buy this earphone if you look for a strong NC. This earphone doesn’t have NC. They say it does but no, it’s not enough.