Q35 constantly disconnects (android) using LDAC

Hi, I have these new headphones but, I can’t connect it to my cellphone, it pairs as well, and then it disconnects and reconnect again and again the same… I install the app to try to solve the problem, but it persists.

I have no problem connecting another audio devices.

If you have have them connected to a pc as well. I would unpair it from it as well. Based on well versed member, it could cause an issue depending on which is paired first. So delete all paring.

Restart phone and then reconnect to phone only. See how the connection goes…

I don’t have any issue connecting them to my LG G8 (Android). The only thing I can think that might be going on is if the other device you have them paired with is taking over.

I’d try unpairing them from everything else, possibly resetting them, then try to reconnect to your Android. If that doesn’t help, contact Support:

It was never connected to my pc… I do not know what’s to do… even I try to force the LDAC codec by developer options

i reset my celphone and same problem… i have to use it wired

Now it’s connected! But I have to disable LDAC :frowning:

Lets start from the beginning:

  1. Have you put them in pairing mode and then clicked on connect to your phones Bluetooth?
  2. If yes, then I would contact Support.

PS I’m not talking about the App, I’m talking about your phones Bluetooth.

This might help:
What should I do if Life Q35 does not pair with my device?
1. Forget the pairing record on your device, turn off Bluetooth and turn it on again. 2. Reset Life Q35 by long pressing the power button and volume + button for 5 seconds. 3. Try to pair Life Q35 with another device.

Could be an option, because it is a modified android called Lineage OS

Your PC may have connected anyway, turn off its BT.