Review of thread of the week -cabin fever edition :)

The lockdown has provided some free time even though I had to work from home. Too much free time just make me want do something to take up my time. With staying at home and constantly raining for weeks, I am getting a little bit of cabin fever. lol

One thing I did to relieve redundancy of boredoem was a thought about how admins pick the thread each week. Plus I know we had a few newer users on the community. So with that I decided to look at all the winners and see if there was a pattern.

I separated the winning threads into 4 categories: fun, site, review and other. Here is the winners per category: Fun -5, Site- 10, Review- 9, and Other- 9. For the most it was a little even minus Fun.

Fun seems to be like a question or have them to join in a quiz or even do a poem.

Site is basically any changes, issues or app. It could be potentially anything to do with site improvement.

Review is basic video or written reviews that members have done on a specific item that they have bought. This is different from the review of the week as review of the weeks is from the private sale and post on those specific review.

Other is basically topics that are related to basically music and/or Soundcore. Examples are tech’s “How to burn in a speaker” or free music sites.

Although the areas seems to be even I do not know of any real pattern for what you do but one pattern seem to be in common. It was talking about Soundcore or music.

I thank you for standing my rant of boredom at being quarantined at home.

All of the thread of the week winners are related to soundcore, or audio in general (with the exception of the “fun” threads). But most likely importantly it has to do with threads having time put into them, and just overall being of high quality.

Cool analysis Duane

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I agree overall. There was 2 -3 was from Soundcore info such as your thread for the hear Id. :wink: So yes some thought in it vs a copy of a link.