Samsung's fashionable Galaxy Z Flip Thom Browne Edition

How many of you can afford $2,500 for a stylish phone??

I will very conveniently forget that I ever read that price on this post and forget this phone for ever and ever and ever :rofl:

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Most of us will do the same anyways :rofl: unless you are a die hard fan of Samsung and would like to own every new model they brought in … :thinking:

I like how they “accidentally” leaked this in an ad during the oscars :joy:

Who the heck is Thom Browne?

This is like that old “I’m Rich” app on the apple app store. Only for crazy people.

I should buy that app with my giftcard :joy:

I thought he meant the app was only for :crazy_face:people


I don’t see how I’m excluded :stuck_out_tongue:

I have it and i dont own an iphone

that’s just madness, screw that! :joy::joy: