Soundcore Life Dot 3I vs Soundcore Dot 3i V2 - Differences?

Hello friends, I need your help to learn the differences between these two models. It’s also being sold under the name (Life a3i).

Unfortunately, I lost my left earbud, and the Local Anker service didn’t assist me. I bought a new one, but I want to know which one is the newer series? If possible, could you provide release dates and the differences? Because I don’t know, maybe it’s psychological, but it seems to me that the older ones had better sound quality. I’m thinking of returning it.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Soundcore will sell two different models of the same earbud or headset.

It seems from some discussion it is either a pure web sold model vs an in store model but can not be 100 percent this is the exact reasoning.

Most likely they are the same, came out the same time, and just have different names…

Contact to see if they have the release dates.

Thank you for your answer, I’ve send email to and waiting for their response. Also here is the photos of charging boxes. Friends also noticed the sound quality totally different unfortunately…

mehmet bey herhangi bir geri dönüş oldu mu servisten?
ben de dot 3I modelini 1 hafta once aldım. kullandıkça seste buyuk farklilik oldu ilk aldigim gune gore. acaba sizin ciftteki farkliligin sebebi de bu pişme süresi olabilir mi?