Soundcore Life Q20's vs Q30's

I bought the Q20’s about a month ago and now I’ve heard that the Q30’s are being released soon, I’m tempted to return my Q20’s to buy the Q30’s but I’m not sure about the price for one, I know there’s a 30% coupon but also is it going to be much of an upgrade? The Q20’s are only eligible for return until October 13th, a week before the full reveal. Should I?

Hard decision!! I don’t really have an answer for you, just wanted you to know I feel for you!

Maybe wait a few more days just in case new info gets released for the Q30

It’s not a hard decision. Buy Q30, it has type-c and bug fixes, watch my review

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I won’t be awake in 2 hours! Ha ha! Guess I’ll have to check it out tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up!!