#SoundcoreHalloween | Part 4 of 5

David Bowie

Flavor Flav just for the big neck clock.

Angus Young

Blue Man Group

I would get my friends together and dress up as The Village People!!!

I would dress up as the SPICE GIRLS!!

Ace from KISS!

Ghoul Britney Spears…sexy

Frank n furter from rocky horror but if a musical doesnt count then alice cooper


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Definitely Papa Emeritus II from Ghost
image https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcSDuZfwgz4QStOc0USS0YJ-aeEuSobPBrmtbg&usqp=CAU


I would dress to reference Jimmy Buffet because his songs are beach themed. I love the beach no matter what time of year. Plus, I especially like walking the beach at night when it is dark and spooky things are lurking in the black water…

Michael Jackson the Zombie version :heart_eyes:

Kiss the band

I would dress up as Weird Al

Thriller! Would be so fun.

The band Kiss

Jon Fishman

Would like to dress up as Werewolf from Backstreet Boys “Everybody”