(Space A40) ANC and MIC issues after enabling LDAC (firmware update)


I’m experiencing severe issues after updating firmware on my Space A40 TWS. When I wanted to test LDAC codec, the software prompted me to update from 03.xx version to 04.19. After restarting, I immediately noticed that ANC was performing way worse. Disabling LDAC and factory resetting didn’t help.

In addition, the microphone now suddenly stops working during phone calls. So far the official support suggested doing hardware reset but it didn’t help.

Has anyone else had such problems after an update? It worked exemplary out of the box.

Kind regards, Luke


I do not remember seeing anything on here. Of the ones here, I do not know who really have those yet. You may to try reddit. I know a soundcore group is on there (not made by soundcore . I would try there as well.

The best thing I can think of out of the box is I wonder what setting the device was on when the ldac was switched on. (ie was it on anc when it went to ldac) You could maybe try different switching on and off to figure if it would fix it.

So maybe start with switching ldac on during normal and then off during normal to se if that fixes it… then do it the same for the other settings for it… then switch it up… switch on normal then turn off with anc on… Do a little spreadsheet to map out each on and off settings to get all.

If for some reason it fixes it, I would let support know and then they could do maybe a fix through an update.

Other than I would go back to see about getting an exchange if possible…

Thank you for a quick reply. I’ll try my luck with the support and maybe also with the retailer. Their first reply was that a version downgrade wasn’t possible but hopefully it can be sorted out without exchanging it.

Make sure you’ve purged any bluetooth pairing records.

Delete your pairing, reboot to recovery, wipe cache (do not wipe data), boot.

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Thanks, but no dice. I’ve found something similar on Reddit though : space a40 ANC firmware? : soundcore (reddit.com).

Seems like a buggy update or something…

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Make sure you’ve sent a full email with all details to service@soundcore.com so they know. They can push you an updated firmware as a beta-test before general release.

You may have been randomly chosen as a “bird in the coalmine” early release and they need to know it’s buggy.

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Yes. I’ve sent them an email few days ago and they replied with instructions on how to perform a hardware reset of the Space A40. Unfortunately, it didn’t help at all. Today, I’ve sent them another e-mail as a part of the same case number. I’ll post here when the case is resolved so that other people experiencing this issue have knowledge what to do.


Did you find an answer to this problem? I have 2 pairs of a40s and made the mistake of updating it to 4.19. The anc now doesn’t adapt and causing a lot of pressure in my ears. The anc on my white pair has never been as strong as my black pair. I already returned the first white pair i had but the second was the same. Now with all the extra pressure I’m using that pair since it doesn’t give me a headache

Contact service@soundcore.com … They can state a fix is coming or maybe can push the previous firmware…maybe

The support basically ‘ghosted’ me. The ANC is still worse but fortunately doesn’t impact my health like in Your case. I’ve basically written off this brand and will be buying a Sony/Bose when this one kicks the dust.

As always, you get what you pay for.

I have the exact same problem.

i did firmware update and now headphones keep cutting out the mic during calls.
thought it was cause my phone was old and doesnt know new bluetoth codec now i have a new phone problem is still there …
can only use the headphones for music voice calls are unbeareable because i have to swithc from headphone to normal to headphone to get the mic reset…

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I have the exact same problem reported here.

One year later and exactly the same issue is still present. What a shame, these earbuds are brilliant otherwise, but completely useless for calls.

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