Touch Control Settings seemingly arbitrary limitations and potential solution

I have a few problems regarding the touch control settings in my Soundcore Liberty 4 NC:

  1. There is no way of adjusting (even check) the current touch controls during a call .This information is available only in the user manual, and reading it fisically or in the app is very unpractical because the app won’t let you zoom enough (at least in my Pixel7) and downloading the pdf does not work from the app. But even if it did work, it should be an easy thing to see in the app, and adjustable too.

  2. While using only one bud, (one bud mode?) the controls go back to the default ones. Luckily this can be adjusted, but ONLY if the other bud is in the case AND the case is closed.
    I think we are in need of a section in the app allowing you to customize all controls in all situations regardless of the current use you are making.
    It almost seems like one bud mode is a hidden feature.

  3. When adjusting the Ambience Sound you are forced to cycle between at least two modes, and this setting has to be the same for both buds.
    It should be possible to select only one mode, and to have different settings in each bud.
    An example of this would be: Normal mode in one, and cycle between ANC and Transparency mode in the other.
    The fact that the ambient sound cycle can be different in single bud use than when using both, tells me that it is most likely a very easy thing to solve in a future update. This is the only current real limitation, the previous points 1 and 2 are just a way of making customization and visualization of current settings much easier.

  4. It would be great to have a slide/swipe touch control on top of the already available (single, double and triple touch plus hold. This is particularly useful for volume, but would open a lot of possibilities if applied to other settings.

-> To sum up, the control settings should be a place in the app to customize and to check the current settings of all touch controls in every situation:

  1. Calls:
    1a) Both buds
    1b) Only Right Bud
    1c) Only Left Bud

  2. Normal Use:
    2a) Both buds
    2b) Only Right Bud
    2c) Only Left Bud