Watch "Are the Soundcore Liberty 3 Pro truly the BEST?" on YouTube

I was just at the livestream and if anyone had any doubts they were answered here.
PS: I wouldn’t be posting this if I didn’t agree 100%. They are the best sounding Earbuds I’ve had the pleasure to use/hear.

Appreciate the share and thoughts

Found it odd that he echoed the same sentiments that Antwan had in one of his latest. That they are getting tired of defending their vids, and arguments and shade from viewers about the reviews…

Caught a bit of the live stream, and was surprised…

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Well you know how some people are. If you don’t like their favorite (fill in the blank) you must be getting paid or lying.

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Well those influencers have affiliate links and mid roll ads, so yes they be getting paid…

But it is what it is, and cannot get made at them, if they are good I don’t mind much the mid rolls…

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